Maxi is a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in the state of Texas.

Maxi has extensive experience providing counseling services to all ages, including children and adolescents. She specializes in marriage/couple/family and pre-marital counseling. She has worked with individuals and families from diverse races, backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses, providing cultural sensitivity, as well as quality individualized care. Maxi has also worked in both private practice and state hospitals. She utilizes a variety of therapeutic methods that include Person Centered Therapy, Reality Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, and Relational Therapy, and Family Systems.

Maxi has empowered both married and single women to overcome their personal problems and improve their lives through the use of the Person Centered Therapy (PCT) approach. She uses the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach as a proven method to work through anxiety and stress.

Maxi is passionate about assisting her clients resolve their various problems by encouraging, promoting a positive and healthy mental health, healing and changing. At the same time she collaborates with individuals and families to help them process and cope with real life issues.
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